I am always happy to come to Olkiluoto


For Markku Rajala, spring has been synonymous with Olkiluoto outages for quite a long time – several decades. And even if the world has changed, his job description has stayed more or less the same with maintenance activities on valves, in particular, always included in the work itinerary of the seasoned welder.

-‍ I have also worked in the turbine hall, but the nuclear island has become especially familiar to me, he says. And that was the case also this year.

Last weekend, towards the end of the annual outage, it became clear that the outage would not be completed within the desired schedule. The reason for the additional time is a fault discovered in the generator during the maintenance. As a result, the original maintenance schedule was extended with the preliminary plan now aiming for June 16th.

According to a veteran, various delays are part of the "nature of the beast." With such a vast facility, there are numerous individual work phases. However, in Rajala's case, this did not cause any additional days.

- We are ready to go home, he said in a phone call yesterday, Monday.

Rajala, who lives in Tampere, started his annual outage tour in the refuelling outage at OL2 and then continued directly to OL1.

- All in all, was here for about four weeks this year, he tells.

Accommodation has not been an issue for him, as he brings his own bed with him in a camper van.

Poor retirement performance

With more than a few gigs behind him on the same island, he has seen several familiar faces also this spring.

- Not quite as many as in earlier years, however. Quite a few have already retired, he ponders. And so has actually Rajala himself, although in his case, the word retirement should maybe be in quotes.

- I still do seem to spend a fair amount of time working, admits Rajala who has worked in field service practically during his whole working life.

Markku Rajala has no intention of becoming a full-time pensioner any time soon.

- I am already 69 years old, but fortunately I have stayed in good health. I have had no joint problems and my eyesight is also good, he concludes.

Praise to workplace atmosphere

Olkiluoto is a place he was happy to come to also this year.

- I have always liked how everything is done with extreme care and diligence here. Safety is certainly not fooled around with. And yet, the atmosphere has always been good here and all the workers are appreciated, Rajala praises.

According to the old-timer, the catering side has always been in hand in Olkiluoto. The locker rooms and sanitary facilities, on the other hand, have clearly improved from how they were during the first years.

Text: Ville Kulmala
Photos: Tapani Karjanlahti