Fuel loading at OL3, a historical event in many respects, successfully brought to finishing line!


The fuel loading process that had been eagerly awaited was started on Saturday, 27 March. In less than five days the process had been completed. Not a bad accomplishment for a first-time effort!

The OL3 loading process, which had been carefully practiced for, was implemented by a team of about 50 employees of both TVO and the plant supplier. TVO's experienced fuel handlers were in charge of operations in the reactor building, while the operators of the plant supplier handled things in the fuel building. TVO's Fuel Loading Supervisors recorded the transfers of the fuel assemblies to verify that they were loaded in correct positions in compliance with the loading plan prepared in advance. The supervisors of the plant supplier carried out similar tasks in the fuel building and also provided assistance in the reactor building. The plant supplier's engineers also contributed to the fuel loading process by ensuring compliance with the commissioning programme and reactor physicists monitored neutron flux measurements. Experts from several other fields were also involved in the process. The maintenance organisations of TVO and the plant supplier as well as the suppliers of the fuel handling equipment, for example, were in constant readiness to provide support in case of any problems.

The first assembly was loaded on Saturday 27 March at 19:54. The last one of the total 241 assemblies was inserted in the OL3 reactor 4 days, 18 hours and 23 minutes later. Nearly there, with only the final inspection to be carried out! Excellent accomplishment!

The fuel loading process was historical for Olkiluoto and the whole of Europe, of course, but the loading of the first assembly had a special link to past history. The honour was bestowed upon Klaus Frisk, who thus followed in his father's footsteps. Klaus' father, Kalevi Frisk, had carried out the same task in Olkiluoto 41 years, 5 months and 26 days earlier in the reactor hall of the OL2 plant. Professional expertise in nuclear industry across generations!