Structure and technical data

OL3 can be divided into three structural entities: the reactor building, the turbine building, and the auxiliary buildings.

The tallest and most central structure is the reactor building that is comprised of a double-shell containment built of reinforced concrete. The building includes the primary circuit, a core melt spreading area, and the in-containment refueling water storage tank. At the top of the building is the refueling machine and a crane for lifting heavy components. The turbine building houses the high and low pressure turbines, generator, exciter, and condensers, among other systems. There is one HP turbine and three LP turbines. The auxiliary buildings include the radioactive waste processing building and the reactor plant auxiliary building.

Olkiluoto 3 building complexes

A Reactor building
B Safeguard building division
1C Safeguard building division
2D Safeguard building division
3E Safeguard building division
4F Fuel building
G Reactor building’s auxiliary building
H Radioactive waste building
I Emergency diesel building
J Access building
K Office and staff amenities building
L Turbine building
M Switchgear building
N Circulating water pump building
O Essential service water pump building
P Anti-icing pumps
Q Auxiliary boiler building

Cross-section of OL3

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Read more about Olkiluoto 3's technical data here (pdf).